Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Workshop Wednesday-Mentor Texts

Sorry I'm posting twice today, didn't have internet last night-don't worry I got a credit on my bill after I explained I was missing my linky parties!!! Linking up with one of my FAVORITES…Jivey for Workshop Wednesday! This week’s topic is mentor texts to teach author’s craft. I use picture books and novels to teach writing and reading every week so to choose a couple is very difficult for me. (This needs to be another Workshop Wednesday topic for sure-hint, hint!)
I want to start with Hatchet, which is a chapter book and obviously a longer mentor text, but my students pick up so many writing ideas from Paulsen’s craft. The effective use of sentence fragments and repetition throughout the book sticks in my students’ minds and transfers over to their narrative writing. At first the repetition kind of bugs them, but they grow to appreciate it and use it in their writing. This book offers me the opportunity to do a grammar lesson on sentence fragments right from the beginning! They notice this craft everywhere now! In addition, the descriptive writing using all senses makes you feel like you’re in the Canadian wilderness!
Gleam and Glow is also wonderful for description! Who doesn't love Eve Bunting??!! The similes, figurative language, and strong description tug at your heart! It strings you along as a family endures hardship and sadness during a war. They have to leave behind their two fish in their family pond. When they return, the pond is teeming with life! The ending I feel is important because it brings us back to the beginning (circular endings). We also talk about how readers like a happy ending and how we want to make our readers happy! :O)

On an earlier post, I talked about a mentor text I used for personification; check it out here if you missed it.
 Go check out what other teachers are using for mentor text! I'd love to hear what books you share with your students to teach author's craft!


  1. I love Eve Bunting, but I'm not familiar with Gleam and Glow. I'm adding that to my list of books to check out! Thanks for the suggestion.
    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  2. Gleam and Glow is new to me too! Thanks for the recommendation!

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    Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason

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  5. Gleam and Glow looks great! And students just love Hatchet. :)
    Conversations in Literacy


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