Friday, March 1, 2013

Five For Friday

It's Friday! Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five For Friday-5 random things from my week!
1. There's a party going on right now at my blog! It's a 100 Follower Celebration! 15 Prizes from 11 fabulous bloggers! I'm so excited to have reached 100 followers! I think once you hit this milestone, you feel better as a blogger! Don't forget to enter to win! Ends Friday, March 8th.

 2. Great news...the pixie dust worked! (scroll down to see previous post). Our big writing test is over! Cute story: During the test, one of my students raised their hand, so I immediately went to him. He says, "Mrs. Miller, I think the pixie dust is working!" Isn't that the most adorable thing ever? My students wrote their hearts out and not only was I proud of them, but they were proud of themselves! They thanked and hugged me after the test-what? I felt so happy to be their teacher and irregardless of the scores, I know I have instilled a love for writing! What a bright moment for me!
3. Aren't these fun? I got them for FREE for returning those Highlights Magazine subscription forms! Each answer buzzer makes a different sound so you know which team/student hit it first. I plan to use them for unit/chapter review lessons, test prep, vocabulary review. If I want one student to play at a time I can label each buzzer with A, B, C, or D. Can't wait to use them for a math review on Monday!
4. Need a 5 minute filler? We used these Scattergories cards yesterday and they LOVED it! It's a great quick thinking and team building activity! We worked as teams, but I've also used it whole class to see how fast we can complete the 12 questions. You can find this game at Goodwill or a garage sale dirt cheap!
5. Do you know this book? I won this from our school book fair (Thanks Sharron) and I read it aloud today-a powerful story of perseverance beautifully illustrated. This book shows children the privilege of being able to learn and go to school, whereas Washington went to extreme lengths to get his education. We worked on cause and effect and character analysis using this picture book.

Hope you have an amazing weekend!!!


  1. I LOVE Highlights and their freebies! I encourage EVERYONE to send those annoying little forms home!!!
    Great post!

    1. I agree, not much work for a great prize! And, you get something no matter if your students order the magazine or not! Take advantage!

  2. Found you from Five for Friday! I love those buzzers, I will have to check them out.

    I'm a new follower! :)

  3. Thanks for getting my creative system flowing again!

  4. I have not seen the Booker T. Washington story, but I love anything about him for the purpose of showing my kids that you CAN learn to read (and do anything you set your mind to... but I always have those few kids who just think they can't do it well by now, they aren't going to read well ever...)!
    ideas by jivey

    1. I agree, my kids were AMAZED at what he endured to "READ"-I think so many kids take school and learning for granted. It's an eye opener for sure!

  5. So nice to meet you through the 5 for Friday linky! Those buzzers just went on my wish list! Happy to be your newest follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

    1. Thanks Julie! I actually had to get two sets because I have 25 students and I have 6 groups. Can't wait to use them-you know they're going to be so excited!

  6. Those buzzers are great!! I'll have to check if I've sent out a Highlights lately!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  7. Hi there, I love the Washington book! ;) I just found your blog, and I think it's very cute. ;)

    The Learning Metamorphosis

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