Monday, April 15, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted & Freebie

Linking up with Latoya for her Let's Get Acquainted Party!
TOPIC - Skittles Favorites Game

Red- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Coffee, my favorite is our supermarket Publix brand, it's the creamiest!

Orange- Favorite Memory from College: My buddy Amber and I used to ride together everyday and we'd shop and go tanning A LOT! Of course, this will forever be a memory (paying for it now!) because I'm a red head with fair skin...what was I thinking??!!

Yellow- Favorite Sports Team: Does Team Adam or Blake count??!! I'm not really a sports fan, but I love watching all three of my children play soccer-I AM one of those soccer moms! :O)

Green- Favorite Fast Food Place: McDonald's...I frequent this fabulous dining establishment EVERY morning...I'm addicted to their iced coffee! My principal already knows that I'd rather be late, docked pay, whatever, to get that iced coffee before school! I've cut back this year to a small from a large! Want to know why? I did a "real world" math problem with my students last year and became hot and felt faint after I realized how much I spent on in a year! I knew the cost everyday, but when you add it up for the year?? That's a lot of shoes...just saying!
Purple- Wild Card(Tell anything about yourself): I'm a procrastinator-I'd like to think I work better under pressure! With my hectic, crazy life it's hard to stay above water, but sometimes my priorities are out of whack!
 Link up to learn about other bloggers!
Need an inexpensive testing motivator? I'm leaving these cute notecards on
students' desks tomorrow morning. 
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Just click the photo to download this freebie! Enjoy!  

Did I mention one of my all time favorite BBBs is having an amazing 300 Follower Giveaway??!! I'm proud to be part of this amazing event! Go enter!


  1. I also said McDonalds was my favorite :) New follower!
    Polka Dot Kinders

  2. I LOVE McDonald's iced coffee too (although I don't have it every morning...haha)!! I can only have coffee with sugar and cream:) McDonald's has a place in my heart because I worked there for 5.5 years!
    I can so relate to your procrastination too! I really DO work better under pressure. It drove my college buddies nuts that I would wait until the last minute to do projects and homework but then get it done in the nick of time:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. lol.. "does Team Adam or Team Blake count?" - I love The Voice! yummm--iced coffee (the mediums are only $1.49 out here) .. so not too bad! [P.S. - if you haven't done so recently, stop by my blog for a chance to win in my awesome giveaway!]
    Antonia @ forkin4th

  4. This is such a fun linky! I have loved learning about other bloggers. I would love to have you come by and link up with my latest linky. It’s all about the dollar. Anything you love, make, sell, find, or buy that is a dollar. It is really fun!

    I just liked your facebook page!

  5. Awww...I'm so touched that I was mentioned in your blog. Love you! One of my memories is how you used to try and persuade me to sing to you in the car on our way to UCF. LOL
