Thursday, April 25, 2013

Peace, Hope, Love, and Kindess Linky Party

In light of recent events, my friends Jivey from Ideas by Jivey, Amanda & Stacia from Collaboration Cuties, and I are getting together to host an uplifting linky!
This Peace, Hope, Love, and Kindness linky party will be a place for you to link up whenever you have heartwarming stories, lessons you've done with your class about peace, hope, love, or kindness, or even random acts of kindness. When the world seems to be falling apart around us, we will have a webpage to visit to get a pick-me-up! We hope this linky will not only lift our spirits and remind us that there is so much good around us, but also will be an encouragement to us to be the good we want to see in the world! As teachers, we have such a powerful role in shaping the future...let's share all our ideas so we can make the world a better place TOGETHER!

I found this book a few years ago and fell in love with it immediately! We've all had bad days and this book offers comfort with its beautiful and touching illustrations and simple, but powerful words on each page. After reading this very special book we made our own version of what we think hope is. I made a bulletin board with everyone's pages and then will compile the pages into a class book. See student samples below.
*Do you see my shoe sign??

Aren't they beautiful??!! Because the wording is limited, students have to be thoughtful and careful with their word choice. It's an excellent community building activity.

One more way to spread our kindness is to bring awareness of how mean words really affect people's feelings.

Warning: This video is sure to shed a tear! Grab a tissue before watching! This video was introduced to me by friend Pam and is such a wonderful clip to show to your students. The video is "Don't Laugh At Me"-Frank Rendo. Such a great tool to share with students to teach how hurtful words can be and how we need to be kind to one another and work together. Very inspirational! My class loved it! After we watched the video my students wrote letters to each other about the value of their friendship and why they're glad they're a part of our class.

I hope you feel uplifted, warm, and fuzzy! Please link up whenever you have an idea/lesson to share about peace, hope, love, and kindness! This linky will not close! Come back as often as you'd like to link up or just to read everyone's posts if you need a lift!  (The button will remain on my sidebar). We can't wait to hear everyone's heart warming stories!


  1. I've got to get my hands on this book- I love the idea!! :) Thanks so much for helping to host! :) You're awesome!

  2. I love your idea! I think I may use it in my classroom when I get back from Spring Break. Words are very hurtful and some of my students don't realize words cannot be taken back. Thank you so much for creating this linky party! I love it!

    Rosie's Rambles

  3. Another book that I must get! I love those photos and what your students did with hope! That's so awesome! And thank you for the video!!

    Collaboration Cuties

  4. This song would be great to use at the beginning of the year to establish a positive learning environment!

  5. I was just telling (or emailing) Jivey about how I really need to do more things like this with my students...NOW. For some reason my morning class can just not get along!! Thanks for sharing the book.

    Literacy Spark

  6. I am going to use this! We do a big third grade play and fundraiser for Haiti each year. We call it Hawks Helping Haiti. I even own that book already. This would be a fantastic addition to what we do! Thank you for sharing! LOVE it!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  7. Great linky idea! :) Glad to join- we need some positivity and inspiration in our lives with all the negativity and sadness out there. Thanks for sharing!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  8. You were right! That video is a tear jerker (but in a good way:) Thank you so much for sharing and hosting this linky! It is so inspiring reading the entries and I hope to get my act together to link up soon:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  9. We had a presenter a couple of years ago that taught our kiddos the words to that song...such a good one. Cannot wait to check out the book, it sounds great. And your pictures are so cute!


  10. I joined in on the linky party and I am now following you! I love this idea and I love reading happy stories!!


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