Sunday, April 21, 2013

Science Mentor Text: Poppy

Linking up with the cuties Amanda & Stacia for their Mentor Text linky. This week's topic is Science.

I love the chapter book Poppy by Avi, it's fictional narrative and gets my students interested in owls. We are getting ready to dissect owl pellets, so this book is the perfect lead in.
Poppy, a brave heroine, sets off to discover the truth about Mr. Ocax. He is the great horned owl and bully who ate her friend Ragweed. (She finds his earring in an owl pellet under his tree). He is the ideal antagonist and your class will be cheering against him! This is the perfect read aloud!
I also read some non-fiction text and we collect information in our interactive student notebooks.
Owl Puke should be arriving any day...can't wait to gross my students out with this book!
It's factual information in a kid friendly format...sure to delight!!!
 Be sure check out Collaboration Cuties to get some other great mentor text ideas for science! 


  1. I'll be "doing" owl pellets with my fourth graders on Thursday this week. I know some of my kiddos read this book last year for our local Reading Olympics, but it is a new one to me. I'll have to check it out.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  2. Great book! Owl pellets are by far my favorite science project for elementary kiddos! :-)

  3. Hi Joanne ~ I know that working on an owl template for my blog doesn't actually match up with the fabulous owl books you've suggested, but it should made me excited about your books! Have a great day!
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. I have never read Poppy, it sounds like a great book! I bet the boys in your class are going to loooooove Owl Puke :)

  5. Owl Puke. Yum. ;O)

    I just started reading Poppy as a read aloud! Talk about the first chapter being action packed!! Avi doesn't play around! They were hooked immediately!!

    Thanks for linking up sweet friend!
    Collaboration Cuties

  6. Ewww.

    Owl pellets and puke? Gross!
    But I'm sure the kiddos will LOVE it! I have not read this book before, but will definitely check it out.

    Thanks, friend!

    Joy in the Journey

  7. How fun! The kiddos are going to go crazy for this lesson!

  8. Maaaaan! I wish I'd known before the owl pellets last week!! Of course, we wouldn't have started because we're reading Wonder. I'm scared I won't finish before the end of the year actually! :-/ but I'll definitely add this to my reading list for next year!!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)

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