Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spark Student Motivation: Warm & Fuzzies

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you had a great week and were motivated by some of the ideas from the wonderful bloggers that have shared their motivational ideas/tips/activities so far! I thought the following "Motivational Tool" fit perfectly with our Peace, Love, Hope, and Kindness linky this week, so I kept with the theme!
These are "Warm & Fuzzies"!!!
Do you remember these when you were younger? They used to sell these at my school before football games! I got these little guys at Michael's (clearance-Halloween 2 years ago) and use them when I see a student being warm and fuzzy to their classmates. These are given out on more momentous occasions. For example, I had a student who desperately needed glasses for several months and finally got them, but didn't tell me. She told her group she got her new glasses, but didn't want to wear them. The next day during math I look over and her entire group has on glasses (2 without lenses)! So I asked why they were all wearing glasses and they said "she" didn't want to wear her glasses, so we told her we'd bring some today to wear with her! How supportive is that?! It's one of my most tender moments in teaching! Most kids hate glasses and are embarrassed to wear them, and to have a whole group wear them just to make one student who needs them feel more comfortable? THAT'S A WARM & FUZZY! How special is it to have one of these little guys sitting on the corner of your desk??!!
 Students can also ask for a Warm & Fuzzy to give to another student if they feel their heart warmed by someone else. Here's a sample note that was left on another student's desk with the fuzzy!
Please share ONE motivational tip/idea/activity you use or have tried with your students or teachers to get them excited! It can be about any topic (homework, testing, behavior, walking in line, Reading Counts, etc.). For a more detailed explanation please read this post. Tell your friends to share their ideas and link up too-the more ideas the better!
** Don't forget to grab my linky button and this post when you link up.
While we're here, let's share some blog love and "motivate" each other by following/commenting at least one person's post! :O) I can't wait to read everyone's ideas!
Do you have Warm & Fuzzies in your class?
Thanks for linking up! I hope to see you again next week! 


  1. What a sweet story! As a long-time glasses wearer (got them in Kindergarten! Contacts in sixth grade), I can completely sympathize with her. I LOVE that your students did that - that warmed my heart! :)

    I really like your "warm and fuzzy idea" - definitely going to try it with my kiddos!

    Thanks, Joanne!

    Joy in the Journey

  2. I'll be heading out to find some warm fuzzies soon! What a sweet story and a fabulous idea to go with it! Thanks for hosting the linky!
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  3. Awww, what sweet kids to all wear glasses for their friend! That is definitely a warm and fuzzy!! Stacia and I just talked about these little warm fuzzy guys last week!! Great minds think a like!! :O)

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great weekend!!
    Collaboration Cuties

  4. I have not used warm fuzzies before but I want to use them next year for sure. I have a girl in my class who hates wearing her glasses!! Thanks for hosting this linky - I love reading all the posts.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  5. I love love love this!!!! I think you should go link this post to our Peace, Hope, Love and Kindness linky. Seriously. The story about them wearing their glasses gave me goosebumps. Sweetest ever!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!

  6. I love those warm and fuzzies! TOO cute. That story melts my heart! Reminds us of why we are teachers! Absolutely adorable!


  7. I remember warm fuzzies in high school... awesome idea!

  8. I love that the kids can share warm fuzzies too. What a sweet story about the glasses! That warmed my heart!

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  9. Love this idea and cute story! I happen to have a lot of kids with glasses this year...I even had to start wearing reading glasses myself. So now, the other kids feel left out I think because they randomly show up wearing giant glasses with no lenses, sunglasses, etc. and tell me that they need glasses too!

    Literacy Spark

  10. Something I do to help the put their best on the test, if I pick up webkinz from Fred's (by the dollar tree in Deland) when they have their $2.00 sale, as well as book certificates for scholastic. When students do well on a test or make an improvement they get a certificate (Dollar Tree) with a pull off tab. The pull off tab goes into a bag dependent on the type of test it was (reading, math, science, social studies). Then at the end of the term we do a drawing for lucky winners. They not only get the webkinz or book but a list of fun acitivities to do other them. They all want their name in as much as possible!

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