Friday, May 24, 2013

Flashback and Five For Friday

It's Friday...time for a 3 day weekend since I'm still in school. I have lots of house chores to get done! Linking up with Amanda and Kacey to look back at my week! Busy week at home and school! This will be quick because I'm off to play my first kickball game! My husband and I are on a co-ed team-hopefully I'll be back for my own linky tomorrow (Spark Student Motivation Saturdays) if I'm not in the hospital! haha


My daughter got her recital costume! She wanted to "try" it on to make sure it fits-seriously, how cute is that costume? 
Had dinner with my former students from 12 years ago...2 of them have babies! These girls (women) are still so special and dear to my heart! Yes, my shoes do match my shirt! :O)

Owl pellets! My students were a little reluctant at first...but then they really got into it! If you're not familiar with the website it's wonderful when you're dissecting owl pellets. There's lots of good information plus a virtual owl pellet dissection-very cool!

Our wonderful media specialist held Reading is Magic for all the students who earned 125 points in Reading Counts this year! It's a 6 hour event ending at 8:00 filled with fun activities. This picture is the rocket launch! Not trying to brag, but I'm sooooo proud of my students, so I'm going to share: all 25 of my students earned Reading is Magic!!!! My class is CRAZY about reading!
Here's my princess again with one of her besties with their soccer trophies! Can you tell they're divas??!! :O) They're cute and aggressive!
 Hope to see you tomorrow for my linky party! How do you keep or get your students excited or motivated? Or, more importantly, how are you staying motivated? Link up any idea that makes you or your students smile!


  1. She is such a cutie! That's great about ALL your kiddos making it to Reading is Magic! Very impressive :o)

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  2. aww... seriously cute costume!
    Popped over from Doodle Bugs ... glad I did!
    Whimsy Workshop

  3. Your daughter is precious and I love that your shoes matched your shirt. ;)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

  4. Your daughter is adorable. We just got our dance recital outfits this week (I am actually dance mom for one of the classes - just, not like the ones on t.v.). One of the outfits needs sewing, eek! Congrats to your class on all earning Reading is Magic. We did owl pellets this year too (while on a field trip). I think it is fantastic that you got together with former students - you obviously had a big impact on their lives!! Thanks for the heads up about potential hospital trips delaying your linky party - I'll be sure to sleep in instead of rushing to link up ;)

  5. How fun that you reconnect with former students!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  6. I'm dying over your daughter's poses! I was a dancer,too so I am drooling over that super cute costume! My costumes were never so cute {lots of neon back in the 80s!} Good luck at your kickball game - it's SO much fun to play as an adult!

    Lucky to Be in First

  7. I love the recital pose! So much fun!

    I remember loving owl pellets as a kid. (That sounds odd written that way, but you know what I mean!) I'll have to file that one away for next year.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  8. Love that you are still in touch with former students! Owl pellets are so fun!
    Ms. Shope's Class

  9. Your daughter is so cute. I love the dance recital pose and than scrolling down and seeing the tom boy soccer pose! She's going places! Staying in contact with students is very special. I'm so old that I am now teaching my students's kids!! Cute blog!

  10. What a great post Joanne!
    Your daughter is too stinkin cute!! Love the pics!
    Happy Memorial Day!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  11. Found your blog through the linky party. Your daughter is seriously a cutie pie! I am your newest follower.
    First Grade A to Z

  12. Your daughter is ADORABLE!! Looks like she takes after her mom! :)

    Teaching Maddeness

  13. Enjoy your kickball game and best of luck with your recital costume fitting. It's heartwarming to catch up with Call Of Duty 3 former students, especially when they've reached such milestones.
