Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Pinterest: Summer Professional Development

It's time for some professional development on Pinterest! Yay! Linking up and missing my BBB Jivey as she lounges around on the beach! (not jealous)
Writing: This idea is actually pinned on my summer board for my family, but I think it will make a GREAT writing activity for next year!
I start with personal narrative and think this would be great to spark ideas for a personal memoir and a getting to know you activity all in one!

Math: I started interactive notebooks this year, but not to my satisfaction. I want to be more consistent and use it more as a teaching tool rather than a resource.

Runde's Room has a great system in place-I plan to implement several of her ideas next year!
Reading:   I like the visual of these shrinking notes, forces students to be concise with their words.

I always have my students respond to their reading, and this can be used with any text.
Hope you enjoyed my summer professional development! Go check out Jivey's blog to see what everyone else is learning through Pinterest!


  1. ooooh, I forgot about the shrinking notes! I have that pinned somewhere....I love the memory jar! Thanks for sharing.

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  2. Hi Joanne,
    I love the shrinking notes as well! What a great visual. I'll use that for a visible thinking routine: Sentence-Phrase-Word to summarize what's important/main ideas. It's pinned!
    Karli :)
    Creating a Thoughtful Classroom

  3. I always start with a personal narrative, too! I usually do "Me Bags", but since I am looping up with my class, I can't do that again so I've been looking for a new beginning of the year writing activity! The vacation memory jar is a good idea!

  4. As a matter of fact, I'm sitting on the beach now, catching up on all the link-ups! ;-) Thanks for these great pins! You know I'm all over the sticky note one. :)
    ideas by jivey
    Follow Me On Facebook! :)
