Friday, September 6, 2013

Five For Friday-September 6th

Happy Friday! I hope everyone else is staying dry because in central Florida we're getting soaked! Imagine dismissal during a monsoon...not pretty!

This week FLEW by! I'm not sure if it's because of Labor Day holiday, but I swear I blinked and it was over! Let's talk about my week for Five For Friday with Kacey!
I got this beautiful art in the mail last week from my sweet and thoughtful friend Jessica from Joy in the Journey~isn't it beautiful? It fits perfectly in my classroom! Jessica was out and saw this artwork and thought of me!!! So sweet, but even sweeter was the thoughtful note on the back! I appreciate her generosity!
I am thankful everyday for my new friends I've met in bloggy land!

We finished our Best Part of Me Bulletin Board! I love it! 
After reading and using The Best Part of Me as a model, we create our own class book. I leave them up on the bulletin board until after open house, then I bind them into a class book. Each student chooses their "best part" to write about. Lots of hands were chosen this year. It's so interesting to see what students think are their best parts. This activity is such a great community builder and self esteem booster!
Our posters are up too! I love these Inspirational Posters...they add so much color and personalization to our class. Each student designed their poster to reflect their interpretation of their quote.
 I got tired of buying pre-made posters and this gives my students ownership of our class.

 Look at what one of my students brought our class this morning!
Love! Such a cute and creative idea! Definitely a bonus on a Friday!
So excited to have my first student graduate from their multiplication facts!
Learn more about how I motivate my students to memorize their multiplication facts tomorrow on...
Hope to see you there! Link up any idea, tip, lesson, incentive, etc. that gets your students motivated or excited! 
Don't forget to grab your freebie on my Facebook will be changing again soon!
Have a super goes by quickly! 


  1. Love the posters your kiddos made. Cute!!!
    Tamra and Sarah

  2. I love the posters too! You have some very creative kiddos-I think it's awesome they are student-made! :)


  3. I love the "Don't let anyone dull your sparkle" poster!

  4. Wow, wow, wow! I love your "Best Part of Me" board. I wish I could go back to the first week of school. This would definitely be a must! What a cool way to get to know your kids and make them feel apart of the classroom.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  5. I love your Best Part of Me board and activity. I have totally forgotten about that book. Thank you for the reminder!!

    Hunter's Teaching Tales
    Find me on Facebook

  6. I love the posters your students made with their quotes. I agree that students' work is much more meaningful than pre-made posters.

    We are using Best Part of Me this week. I just love this project!

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Fit to be Fourth
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  7. I hate premade posters. I think I have one, but I know some students use it so I put it up. Love your inspirational one. Also love the Dunkin Donuts! I mean, I need that in my room. Not so much the donuts as the coffee!

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  8. I am pretty happy to read your post :)
