Sunday, February 2, 2014

Must Read Mentor Text: The Ocean Is...

One of my favorite linkies is this Must Read Mentor Text (gives me an excuse to buy more books!). Amanda & Stacia are to blame for our huge wish lists on Amazon, but I still love those girls!
I present to you...

The gorgeous illustrations and the metaphors create the perfect visual to describe the ocean.
This book compares the ocean to several things with illustrations/text to support the metaphor (traffic jam, playground, dentist, a stage, a galaxy, etc.). So many comparisons to describe the ocean gave my students concrete examples of metaphors.  
Similes are usually easier for students to create and include in their writing. My students have a strong grasp of similes, but sometimes overuse the same ones (fast a cheetah, small as a mouse). Metaphors provide a stronger comparison in writing, but are also harder for students to create, so with this book and my activity I knew I could deepen their understanding. :)
We made our own metaphors based on our own classroom.
Each student wrote a metaphor for "Our classroom is..." and then a small description to support the metaphor.
Here are some student samples:
Their metaphors were so deep and thoughtful!

You know I love this one!!!

This melts my heart! It makes me smile to hear my students talk about our class family! 
All of my students did an amazing job! Focusing and creating only one metaphor is a not so scary assignment for writers, but very purposeful! I've noticed several students effectively using metaphors in their writing since this activity. After I display them, I will make them into a class book. Go check out all the other great mentor texts suggested today!
Don't forget I'm having a 20% off Super Bowl Sale at my TPT Store today! And, I added two new products last night!
Reading Non-Fiction With Post-Its (great to hold your students' thinking while interacting with text) and Decimal Mixed Numbers Scoot Game (fun, engaging way to introduce, review, or assess your students)!



  1. Awwww, their classroom metaphors are so awesome! I HAVE to get this book!!! Don't worry, my Amazon cart gets as full as yours does on Sundays!! :O)
    Collaboration Cuties

  2. Their metaphors are great!! I will have to share this idea and mentor text with the sixth grade teachers in my building...they are all about figurative language right now!

    Mind Sparks

  3. Hey Joanne,

    Okay......lets see if this thing works!! I am keeping my fingers crossed, and thanks for your help!

    Mind Sparks

  4. Ah, how sweet! Lovin' that glue metaphor. I MUST go order this book now!!!

  5. Their posters are so great - they will make a great class book. I have never seen this book before so I am off to look for it, thanks! Have a great week : )

  6. What a great extension activity! You have some very creative authors! :)


  7. Oooh-- I so wish I read this 10 days ago when we were finishing up our poetry unit. My students create a metaphor comparing an emotion to an animal after reading an Emily Dickinson poem, but this would be a great intro before we do the heavy duty Dickinson poem. Thanks for sharing. Caitlin (

  8. You’ve got some interesting points in this article. I would have never considered any of these if I didn’t come across this. Thanks!.
