Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday Made Its: Valentine's Day
February Made-Its! Just in time for Valentine's Day! Linking up with my friend Tara for her fun Monday Made-It!
First up is a simple and cute project: personalized bags. You can type names, quotes, or anything you'd like to make regular lunch bags special! I bought the red and white bags at Target.
Step1: Set your page up for the size of your bag. You can do this with any program.
Step 2: Type the special message you want to appear on the lunch bag (using KG Fonts of course!). Center it on the bag so it prints out in the right place and will leave you room to fold the top of the bag over.
 Step 3: Tape the flap on the back of the bag down and the top of the bag to prevent your printer from jamming. Press the tape lightly so you can easily remove it. (I don't always tape the top and it still works). 
 Step 4: Feed through printer just like regular paper. Only feed one bag at a time.
 Step 5: After you print, fold the top of the bag over, hole-punch and thread ribbon through.
 Voila! Aren't they adorable? I love them! My students are excited to give me their "orders" for their bags! It's also cute to send your child's lunch to school in one of these personalized bags! :)
My students love my Valentine Reading Wreath and I do too. It's a fun way to assess my students' understanding of their reading and it makes a great decoration for your hallway or bulletin board! I guess technically my students and I both made this one!
Each wreath comes with templates for fiction and non-fiction that can be used with any text!
Save money and buy the growing bundle! Adding the Spring Reading Wreath tomorrow, so snatch up the bundle for today's price-great value for 8 different reading wreaths!
Spread the Love! Perfect for Valentine's Day and Random Acts of Kindness. My students wrote sweet messages and compliments on several Post-Its for others who walk by to take and give to someone else. They came up with some pretty thoughtful messages: You sparkle everyday, you're special to me, you are as sweet as candy, thank you for being you, you look nice today, etc. Imagine getting one of these notes unexpectedly...{insert big smile}.

The directions instruct anyone can take the notes and give to someone to make their day! We had several customers are first day today! :)
  My students are excited to fill the wall back up so we can "Spread More Love!".
My last made-it was for my niece's engagement party. I designed a count-down subway art for her to put in her bedroom as a wonderful reminder of how many days until she "ties the knot"! She loved it! All she has to do is use a dry erase marker on the glass (write the number in the heart) and wipe off each day!
 Hope you have a LOVEly week and Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. You have such creative ideas. I love your reading wreaths. It's such a cute way to reflect on reading. Your spread the love is such a heart warming idea. I think I may have to try it with my class.

    Mrs. Wiley
    from Wiley Teaching

  2. So much fabulousness!!!! Love it all!!!!!!!! Printing on paper bags?!?!! Brilliant!!!! So in love with the post it wall!! So sweet and inspiring!!! What a pick me up for the kiddos when they need it:) The wedding countdown is beautiful! You are so talented my friend!! Hugs!!!!

  3. I LOVE your Spread the Love bulletin board. Such a great idea.
    Teaching with a Twist

  4. I think your Spread the Love bulletin board is awesome! Pinned it for one of my future Random Acts of Kindness initiatives. And I am absolutely going to try to print on bags for Valentine's Day. I went to GFS looking for white bags tonight but refused to buy 500 bags for $18.99! I will try Target tomorrow!

    Forever in Fifth Grade

  5. You printed on lunch bags?!?! Until I actually saw the printer I thought it was all glued on from a circuit. SOO cute! Wish I had a hallway do to the compliment wall, will do in the classroom for each other.

  6. Love the "Days until we tie the knot"!! Was it an all black background with white font and clip art? I'd love to make one! You are so clever!! Those bags were adorbs! I've seen printing on post-it's and envelopes, but not bags! Now I've seen it all!

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