Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Back to School Goals

I'm excited to be linking up with my buddy Jess from I Heart Recess! I think sometimes putting your goals in writing makes you more accountable, so here goes...


Personal: Find a better balance in my life, especially between blogging and personal. Does anyone have a chart or schedule they follow? Some nights I say, I'm just going to check my email, but you know how that goes... 6 hours later... blogging, commenting, responding, giveaways, creating for TPT, Pinterest, Facebook, and soon Instagram! I know it's going to get crazy when school starts! It just seems that nothing is quick-it's so easy to get distracted! I feel like I want a form that sets limits on each category-it might keep me focused! Any suggestions?

Organization: I love organization and I believe EVERYTHING has a home, but I have A LOT of "stuff". I can admit that I'm an organized hoarder (school supplies are my weakness!). You know it's bad when you have Office Depot employees' numbers programmed on your phone to notify you of clearance! (True!) I can't pass up a great deal! However, my goal is to make sure I have a clean desk all day! I always start the year off right, but you know that pile that builds up (papers, things to file/read, catalogs, etc.). I need to keep focused!
Also, EMAILS! I'm terrible with email! I always have hundreds/thousands of emails in my boxes (all of them!). I have a friend who at most has 2 email messages in her inbox...I know she cringes when she sees mine! I need to make sure I dedicate a few minutes each day to read, respond, delete, save that day's email, otherwise I will get behind and drown in emails!

Planning: Now, I say this every year, but I REALLY want to do all my planning at school. I always spend my weekends planning-I have a lot of my resources at home, so I like to take my time planning at my convenience. I want to keep my schoolwork more at school instead of lugging home that rolling crate every night. I think I may start with one subject a day. I think it's a reasonable and realistic goal.

Professional: I purchased a professional at the beginning of summer and haven't even cracked the book open! Again, I know myself and I put too much on my plate. Maybe a chapter a day/week...I need someone to hold me accountable! haha

Students: My absolute favorite thing students say to me is, "Mrs. Miller, it's almost time to go and I feel like I just got here" or "I don't want to go home." I want my students to enjoy school and have fun while learning, but more importantly (and selfishly), I want to have fun! It's the key for everyone's happiness! Let's be honest, if you're having fun the kids will have fun! I use humor and silliness (some people may call it craziness), music, dancing, incentives, excitement, and motivation in my classroom! I love teaching and it is evident to my students!

Motto: You all knew this was coming!
I designed this for my classroom because I love this quote for obvious AND motivational reasons! NO matter what happens in our classroom we need to hold our heads high, we will make mistakes and learn from them, (confidence building) and I have very high expectations for myself and my students. I give 110% and I expect the same in return from them. (For some I have to work harder at motivating than others). And the heels..., well, that's for me!
Are you setting your goals for back to school? Go link up with Jess and share!
My winner for my Pin to Win Teacher Postcards is Jessica! Congratulations!
Don't forget to like me on Facebook-I'm having a PIN TO WIN everyday this week!


  1. Your motto rocks. :) xoxo

  2. I adore your motto...although I'm not a heels wearer, I think it just fits!

    I'm right there with you on your organization goal! I am indeed a school supply hoarder. I "lost" things I already had because I forgot where they went! I made signs for each of my drawers last year to help hopefully solve the problem this year. We'll see how it goes. I'm just hoping to relax and make sure the label marker is ready to go for emergency-supply's-need-a-home-situtations.

    Good luck on all your goals,

    My Shoe String Life
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  3. Cute sign! Does that mean that I keep my head, heels, and standards low in flip flops? ;)

    Fifth in the Middle

  4. Haha!! I had to laugh at your organizing emails! I have over 1000 on yahoo and 800+ on my school email and my coworkers always comment when they see that one! Many times think I might need to reference an email later and should save it. The email I have "tried" to keep organized is the blogging one. LOVE your motto:) Trying to finish my goals so I can link up but I keep getting distracted!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  5. I'm telling you...labeling folders and color coding them in my email makes all the difference in the world. I saw a commercial today for Kindle Fire HD where parents can set a timer on there for games, videos, etc. basically it tells your child when it's time to quit. I need that for me. My mind is always racing and I'm doing two hundred things at once. I've been good about keeping a check sheet this summer and checking things off as I go. It does help, but now I need a timer.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  6. I am also a "piler" and not a "filer." This year, I'm going to try to live by the motto "When in doubt, throw it out" because most of the things I put in my piles I never need...I just don't know what else to do with them! :)

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  7. All great goals! Hope you have a wonderful school year!

    The TechKnowledgey Teacher

  8. OMG! I had the same professional goal, Joanne! I have so many professional guides clogging up my filing cabinet. I should use them, right?

    ScrappyGuy Designs

  9. Wow, I sure wish I could meet you guys! I NEED these goals posted in my classroom and at home. I have been teaching for 22 years and I have many piles, lots and lots of emails (you would be amazed) and I stay at school way too long. I am so thankful for your blogs! Thanks to you, I have worked hard to organize my home and school, still working on those emails, and hopefully I will plan at school and not take 3 or 4 bags home every night! Pinterest has really helped me keep teaching fresh and new from teachers with fantastic, creative ideas! Also, I am finally getting organized!!


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