Friday, August 2, 2013

Currently and Facebook Giveaway

I'm linking up with Farley for her monthly CURRENTLY!

Listening to Meet the Robinsons in the car, my children have seen it at least a dozen times, but definitely a family favorite. Such a sweet movie!
Loving when I get a project/task done at my house. Unfortunately, I didn’t get anything “big” completed this summer, but I’ve organized a few closets/drawers and got two home repairs done. I keep telling myself I have to be thankful for the little things I get done and not be stressed about what I didn’t get done.

Thinking about how my list of “things to do” keeps growing the closer we get to school. Does anyone else cross off one thing and add three more? I’m not sure what happened to the summer, but it’s OVER!

Wanting a Silhouette Cameo…I’ve had my eye on one of these for over a year. I REALLY want one! Of course, then I’d have to add how to use a Cameo to my to do list! I love all the vinyl projects that could be created with this treasure!

Needing more closet space (in every room). Why do they make closets so small? Even after I organize a closet, I still need more room! And my classroom, forget it! This school is pretty new (6th year) and they have very little storage and classroom space (budget cuts I guess!)

Back to School:
1- Fabric, and ribbon, from Hobby Lobby to decorate and accessorize my classroom. As much as I love all that stuff, it can be a bit overwhelming-so many decisions!
2-Cardstock-all colors and patterns, I use it for everything!
3-Post-its! I don’t think my life would be complete without my Post-It Note collection! From 1” squares to large chart paper and every size and color in between, I use them every day in my classroom for lessons.

Thank you Megan at for clipart.

 My BBB Jivey is heading up a Mega giveaway on Facebook! Eight days of giveaways! If you haven't been already you better go check out all the great bloggers and great goodies!!! Start at Ideas by Jivey's Facebook page and make sure you're following Head Over Heels For Teaching Facebook too! 


  1. I love that movie! I totally agree with you about the list thing-I finish one thing and it sparks another idea. Keep moving forward!

    :) Kaitlyn
    Smiles and Sunshine

  2. Speaking of closet day I am going to turn an extra bedroom into my personal closet, just sayin'! I am glad you did a couple of projects this summer- hopefully just having some down time will start your school year off right!


  3. Just hopping over from Farley's Currently. Isn't it always the way that we can add more to our list as we start crossing things off. Oh well, we would have to find other things to think about if that didn't happen!

    Charlene/Diamond Mom
    Diamond Mom's Treasury

  4. Hmmmm....Post-Its weren't #1 on your list???

    I just bought a Cricut this week. I'm using lots of paper trying to figure out how to use it, but so far I love it!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  5. OH my! I JUST discovered that Hobby Lobby was about 30 minutes from me. I've gotten a new obsession! I want just about all the fabric and ribbons I can get too! Which of course, is making LESS space at my house.... I need some help with organizing....... or I need to go back to school and take it with me?! lol

    I just popped over from Farley too! Have a great weekend!
    Rulin' The Roost

  6. Wait just one minute....does this mean there is not enough room for me to live in the closet. I was already packing.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  7. Meet the Robinsons is one of my favorites. Your kids have great taste! I have a ton of things left to do on my to-do list as well. Why does summer always fly by?

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  8. Ah, cardstock. I didn't think of that one for my items, and it's a biggie for me!
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!
