Kind is the New Cool!
This blog post is very special and motivational to my students and myself. Our hope is that if we spread more kindness, we will wipe out the meanness in the world! Please help us spread kindness by using some of the materials or ideas in your classroom/school and share, pin, and spread the word for us!
I've told by students they can make a difference and we're acting on it. My job isn't only to teach academics, but to create leaders and doers...and my kids are running with it!
I purchased these shirts for my class to wear while presenting. I wanted to look united and spread our message loud and clear! These shirts have gained much attention at our school! Everyone wants one! (We're working on getting every faculty member and student one for our school!)
We started our spread kindness campaign by presenting to our office staff and other classes. Each student selected or created a quote to share about kindness and what it meant to them.
We've invited all the classes at our school to join us on our campaign and challenged them to spread kindness everywhere! Each class received a large poster reading "Don't Let Anyone Ever Dull Your Sparkle" as a reminder to stay strong and don't let others bring you down.
I was so proud of what my students wrote for their quote meanings/examples to present to other classes. They were from the heart and inspirational. All of the random acts of kindness we've done, books we've shared, and teaching I've done about being kind was shining through during these presentations!
With each presentation my students' presenting skills improved and they gained confidence and excitement in our mission! Each time they hear each others' words, they are further engrained. It's important to start in elementary while they're still so impressionable, so it carries with them to the upper grades.
We wanted to go bigger than just our we invited Fox News to come out and help us get the word out about spreading kindness! This was also a great experience for my students.
(They just filmed yesterday and with the heartbreaking news in Paris (please pray for the victims and families) our story wasn't shown, but as soon as it is aired, I will add the link.
We share all of these goodies with each class in hopes they will use them and be kind with one another.
This is our Random Acts of Kindness Bulletin Board-it's a great visual and reminder for us to complete these kind acts and to recognize each other when someone else completes one.
We give each class a poster and post-its to get started on their "kindness kick". I've received several emails and students coming to tell me how many post-its their class has used! It's so exciting to see we're already making a difference just at our own school!
Positive Tear Offs are also given to each class-these are kind compliments that are just SUPER FUN! Kids love ripping them off and kids love receiving them! A few classes have already run out! :)
These posters are our kindness quotes we selected for our presentations. They are the perfect visual to remind students of how easy and important it is to be kind!
Pay it Forward! We've "Positive Pranked" over 20 classes now and my kids love this random act of kindness! They get to be sneaky, knock on doors, and RUN! In return, we've been positive pranked too!
This class wrote individual notes and attached candy to them for my class. My class loved it!
This class left a yummy goodie bag of Blow Pops for us! My students are starting to see how kindness pays off! These random acts on us are making them realize they ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!
Here are some books we've shared in class that promote kindness, uniqueness, and compassion. I know there are dozens more titles for kindness, so please share them in the comments below. (these are just the titles I own and have read with my class). These books will definitely spark discussion and give your students a better understanding of the importance of kindness. (If you don't have all of these titles, you can usually find the titles read aloud online).
I hope you are able to use some of these ideas to spread kindness in your classroom, school, or community. Please help this movement by sharing this link, we need everyone to help!
Want all of these goodies?
They are free, just be KIND and leave feedback and have others come download too!
here. :)
I hope you had a wonderful week! Please link up any lessons, ideas, tips, tricks, incentives, ANYTHING you do get your students motivated or excited!
Don't forget to grab my button and link back to this post!
Check out all the wonderful ideas from my friends who link up and don't forget to leave some love by commenting....we LOVE comments!
***Please include the topic in the link up with your blog name.