A fun and creative way to build community and learn about each other is this All About Me Project! Students cut a piece of poster board in a shape that represents them {I would make a high heel because I collect and love them!}. Students draw, cut out, use clip art, etc. for items that describe them for five different categories. Students give an oral presentation for their projects and then the projects are displayed. (Great for Open House). Below are some student samples.
Balance Beam & Video Game Controller
They added their own style to their projects and were very proud of their hard work. Even my students who are reluctant to speak in front of their peers, felt comfortable sharing something they know about (themselves). My students learned a lot about each other's families, interests, and favorites. I loved hearing the comments, "I didn't know you liked gymnastics" or "He likes the same books as I do." These projects gave them new perspectives about each other. Click here to go to my TPT store.