Friday, November 21, 2014

Five For Friday!

It's been forever since I've had a chance to link up on a Friday!
My students brought in their Disguise a Turkey Projects...sooooo cute and creative! I was so impressed! Seen here: Harry Potter, soccer players, Ronald McDonald, a mummy, a teddy bear, a ninja,  a musician, and a penguin. I got this project from The Fabulous Life of an Elementary Teacher, click here for this awesome freebie!
Our school had its first 5k (Pride Roar) and my whole family participated. Notice I didn't say my whole family RAN! Actually, they all ran except for me! I was multi-tasking, walking and talking! :) Fun time for the family while supporting our school!

We had a few cold days in we had to warm up by the fire! :) I served hot cocoa and my students loved it! They were very appreciative, which makes me happy! I love when you do something special for your students and they don't ask for seconds or say something like, "Is that all we get?" or "I don't like that!" I know they're kids and sometimes they don't mean it, but it always puts a bad taste in my mouth when I hear kids say those kinds of comments.
(This makes me want to serve hot cocoa again!)
**Burning Fire is a DVD I purchased a few years ago at Walgreens.

Yes, my turkey projects are up, but I couldn't wait another minute to get my new tree up! It's black to match my room (in case I want to keep it up all year!) and is covered in high heel ornaments from so many special students! Isn't is BEAUTIFUL??!!
I didn't have a tree topper so I used my tiara! LOL!
I had to take a close up of this one...
"I'm not afraid of heights!"

We also read The Stranger this week-such a thought provoking book for students. It's the perfect book for students to make inferences, which leads to great discussion! My students were definitely opinionated with their thinking, so we had a few "friendly arguments" and had to reread several parts of the text to find evidence. We used Nicole's (Teaching With Blonde Ambition) text dependent questions (talk about rigor!). These questions really stretched my students' thinking. You can click here to grab her questions. We also used Jivey's mentor sentences for this text-click here to grab her freebie! (Warning: you'll get hooked on these mentor sentences!) 
The illustrations in the picture book are so captivating! My students were hanging on every word!

Don't forget to link up tomorrow for Spark Student Motivation! What have you done to motivate your students or get them excited? Maybe you have something special planned for next week!
***There's going to be a goodie for those who link up! :)


  1. Oh, my goodness! I love those disguise a turkey ideas. I laughed at how creative some of the students would disguise a turkey. I love your blog and I cannot wait to link up tomorrow.

    Jasmine H.
    The Dots of Teaching

  2. I did the disguise a turkey project too! Some of my favorite were the camouflage (hunter) turkey, the peacock, the Cub Scout and the turkey that trade places with the baby sister! Kids are so cute and creative! In fact yesterday, many went home after our Thanksgiving feast and the ones left were creating Mayflowers on the floor from blocks and Legos. They started a "what would a Mayflower of the future look like?" Contest all on their own. They were AMAZING!!! I wish I had taken pictures instead of cleaning up!
    Also, for those who want the roaring fire but can't find the DVD, there are several websites that have them. Some are just a roaring fire in fireplace, others have soft music, one has a story teller voice over, and we even found ones that also look like bonfires, or campfires last year. During last year's few cold days, we did a different one each time and then had the kids do a compare and contrast to practice putting into words the similarities and differences. Our first graders loved it!
    Finally, thanks for giving me another book to be on the lookout for. I have to start my collection over as I had a flood at school 2 weeks ago and it took out the book case that I keep all my "special" books on! As I was trying to make a list of what I lost I realized MANY of the titles were bought because of this blog!! Love you, friend!

  3. I love the burning fire CD!! What a great way to bring a cozy warm fire into the classroom; just like you in Florida, I'm in southern California & I'll have to do this during one of our cold days (far & few between!!) Thanks for always sharing your great ideas!

  4. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your tree. I think a tiara makes a PERFECT topper!

  5. Your tree is perfectly you!! I love the tiara tree topper! I bought a full size tree this year for my classroom! I'm so excited!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  6. I love your turkeys! I usually have the students do a persuasive writing from the turkey's point of view. This will be a great way to change it up next year.

    Quinnessential Lessons

  7. I'm so glad you could use my mentor sentence! I love that book!! LOOOOVE your tree and the fireplace! :-P

  8. I'm a little late in reading blog posts, but I wanted to tell you how awesome your family picture is. It's been a while since I've seen them! I love that you gave your students hot chocolate on the colder days. Today I popped popcorn for my students, we watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and I did not hear one whine or complaint about not getting more. Such a nice moment!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

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