Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New School Year!

Permission to shop! This idea will not be used until next school year but you have to shop now while these items are on clearance! As I was shopping at Publix and saw these items in the clearance cart I thought... they'd be perfect to have a Happy New School Year Celebration to welcome my students back to school! How fun right? I asked the manager if they'd discount them more for such a GREAT CAUSE and they gave them to me for practically nothing! (I have enough for 3 years!) The best part is they don't have a year so I can use them anytime! What a great welcome to students!

Here's a display of the favors for students.
The box has enough favors for ten people and is easily stored.
Seriously, who wouldn't want to be part of this celebration??!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea! Actually, it could be used on the day we come back from winter break too since it's the first time we'll see our students for the new year. But I love the Happy New School Year idea best. :)


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