Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tried It Tuesday: Non-Fiction Text Practice

Linking up with my sweet friend holly for her Tried It Tuesday linky! And, guess what I tried this week??!! A product from the linky hostess herself! She's amazing!
I used this text with my small groups: 
They had to write the question number next to the answer they found in the text. Some of my students were surprised to find multiple locations for answers to the same question. They really had to read closely!
Also included in this pack are two short response questions (using claims) that require students to "dig deep" and cite evidence from the text.
Living in Florida, most of my students have never seen snow, so this passage was of great interest to them! (Did I mention is has answer keys??)  I love a lesson that is little prep for me!
Perfect for the season, perfect for text complexity, perfect for rigor, perfect for high interest reading, perfect for small group instruction, just...perfect!
Snatch this goodie up while it's still on sale! Click here!
My store is on sale! 28% off!! Hurry the sale ends tonight!


  1. That looks like a great lesson! Thanks for sharing!

    Mind Sparks

  2. Yay!!! I am so glad you could use this with your top groups! I haven't even used it yet. Isn't that so weird to see something you created being used around the country? Freaky! Thanks so much for the shout out, friend! xxoo
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. Guess what? I am going to be trying this in my room too! I can't wait. I just printed this today. Most of my kids haven't seen snow either...it's a Florida thing for sure. I told Holly I have only seen snow once and it was when I was little...so I don't even remember it! Maybe we should take a trip and go see snow at Holly's!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

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