Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Workshop Wednesday: Mystery Math Pictures and a Math Freebie!

Just a quick link up to share a colorful way to incorporate math during the holiday season with my BBB Jivey for her Workshop Wednesday!

Each picture needs a blank grid paper to start. 

Each mystery picture has a color key at the top of the page. Each line on the grid is colored according to the key. For example, the picture below shows all 11 boxes will be shaded green on the first line. On the second line, the first three boxes will be completely green, the next box will be 1/2 green, 1/2 white box, then one full green, etc. Students think coloring is easy, but these can be tricky if you're not paying attention to detail.

When they finish coloring, they discover what their mystery picture is!

I have used these since my first year teaching (long ago!) and my students have loved them every year! I have them for all holidays and some other non-seasonal pictures too.
Don't worry...I found a few samples for you just in time for Christmas!
Includes directions and two mystery pictures.
Click here.
Perfect for homework, early finishers, and on the last day before school gets out for winter break...nice, quiet activity! (You're welcome!) LOL!
I also have a FREEBIE in my TPT Store for fact families and factors!
Click the image to download-feedback is always appreciated! :)
Hope these ideas come in handy for the upcoming weeks!
Have a great Thursday & Friday!


  1. My kiddos will love these mystery pictures! Thanks so much for sharing!! :) What fun! I wish we did multiplication...your fact family freebie looks super cute!! :)

    Learning to the Core

  2. Oh BBB, you always come to my rescue. Thanks for this awesomeness!!!! :)

  3. This is SO cute!! What a great, quiet activity. I have to share this with my teammate. Your Merry Multiplication is awesome too! :)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  4. I love those grid pictures! The kids really do too!! Thanks so much for the freebie as well!! Pure awesomeness!
    Collaboration Cuties

  5. Thank you for sharing the mystery pictures - I am sure my students will love them! Thank you for the freebie too, you are too sweet! Enjoy the rest of your week!!

  6. I love the mystery pictures. We did some of these same ones at Halloween. The kids enjoyed them. Love the Merry Multiplication...and you too! XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  7. What a great idea! I've always loved these but I've never taken the time to make them. Thanks for making my job easy. My kids will love these!

  8. My kids will love these. Thanks for posting the link. This will be perfect for after our test next week!

  9. I just found this very activity buried in the back of a filing cabinet drawer that I have never gone though. I did it with first graders but I made the lines before I copied it and they did quite well with it

    The Math Maniac

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