Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tried It Tuesday-Classroom Procedures

So excited to link up with the awesome Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for her first linky party Tried It Tuesday! We can talk about ANYTHING we've tried that has been a success or failure-great way to learn from each other!
Today, I'm talking about classroom procedures because I'm thinking about how I'll have to review them Monday when we return from spring break! :O) Procedures are different from rules and I realized the year I was an academic coach a lot of teachers had rules, but not procedures. I think we forget that some teachers have different procedures, some are more structured, some have more choice, so in order to get what we want from our students we need to set guidelines and teach procedures that work for our classroom. The front loading at the beginning of the year sets the tone for your entire school year. I spend a lot of time reviewing, practicing, and modeling procedures in the beginning which makes life easier the rest of the year. I still review small procedures and give reminders daily. This sets students up for success...they know the expectations. My procedures are written in a positive format and each student keeps a copy in their desk. These are the "bigger, more common" procedures for my class. I also have what I call "smaller" procedures like using the restroom, tissues, water, etc. If a student consistently fails to follow our procedures, I will have them review the procedures, circle the one they are having trouble with, and complete an action plan to correct it. These procedures have worked well for me, so I'd like to share! Download your copy here as a FREEBIE for this week only in honor of Holly's first linky!! Enjoy and feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I'd love to hear how you teach procedures in your class! Please comment below!


  1. Love the procedures!! We were just talking about behavior with our grade level. Next year we are coming up with a common plan for the whole grade level. I'll share it when we come up with it! ;O)

    Collaboration Cuties

  2. What a great booklet. I was just talking to my teaching buddies about whether or not we let the students talk to much when entering the school and if other schools were more strict about no talking in the halss. We decided if anything was going to change we would need all the teachers to be onboard. Consistency and repetition are so important in establishing procedures and a positive learning environment.

    Looking From Third to Fourth

  3. I really like how you pointed out that rules are different than procedures. I am a stickler for procedures but I love yours written out and a student who doesn't follow one can look at their list and have instant accountability. Wow!! A freebie in honor of my first linky? You're the best!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

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