Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Made It: Teacher Gifts, Posters, and Winners

I love Mondays in the summer because Tara's linky holds me accountable to get some projects done!
My first "Made-It" was a Picture Frame Post-It Holder inspired by Pinterest.
First I gathered all of my supplies.
You will need:
  • clear 4x6 acrylic frames (Dollar Tree)
  • cardstock or scrapbook paper (cut to 4x6 pieces)
  • ribbon
  • tags
  • post-its
  • scissors/paper cutter
  • hot glue gun (optional)

Just cut the paper to size (4x6) place in frame, tie ribbon and tag (secure in back with hot glue-optional), and place post-its on the frame. Super easy and chic!
I think these gifts for my team members and my children's teachers will be a hit!
My next "Made-It" was a creation I made for my classroom-it's an 11x14 poster! (Gotta keep the heel theme!)

But then my friends that wear ballet flats felt left out...
And then my friends that love flip flops weren't feeling the love...
And finally, some teachers like to boot, scoot, and boogie while they teach!
Which one do you teach in?
Late breaking news....I have the winners for my 300 Follower Giveaway! Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and followed along-I appreciate all of you! This blogging journey has changed my life with new friends, inspirations from others, and the outlet I needed to share my passion. I hope you continue to follow, comment, and read! 

Congratulations Melissa B. and Ilyce P.!!! You've hit the jackpot with all these wonderful blogger donations!


  1. I love your made-its! Those are so cute. I made some a while back, but mine were not near as cute. The tags & ribbon make it to die for :) So cute! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  2. I love the post-it holders! What a great gift for team teachers at the beginning of the year!

  3. I see a post-it holder with my name on it!!! They are super cute! :) What a great gift for my children's teachers! Oh wait, you are one of my child's teachers so I can't give you one. LOL Have no fear though, I can ALWAYS find something else you like since I know you so well!

    1. I forgot to mention...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the high heels poster. I'm definitely getting one for my classroom. :)

  4. Isn't this such a fun craft? I made these as parent gifts one year. Love you cute!

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  5. Yaaaa-hoooooo!!!!! How lucky am I?! I cannot wait to get my hands on all kinds of new goodies! (My new 4th-sters, as of September 9th, will also be so lucky!)

    The best part of all is the blogger herself will be visiting me in 2 weeks! Now that's lucky!!! :))

    P.S. Cute Made-Its. Love them all!

  6. Love the post-its! Will be making a bunch for a lot of people!

    Success in Second Grade

  7. Oh my gosh...those post-it frames are so adorable! I am having a Pinterest party in August and I think I will make them for my guests. SO FUN!!!

    Mrs. Laffin's Laughings

  8. Love the post-it frames. The ribbon and tags totally make them super sweet! I'm still in awe that you teach in high heels, seriously! The posters are amazing, as usual.

  9. Super cute post it frames! I love that and they are so easy! Adorable!

    I would need all of the posters except flip flops because we aren't allowed to wear those. I teach in all of the rest. Probably least in heels...I've gotten wimpy... :O(

    Cute posters though!
    Collaboration Cuties

  10. I was about to say EXACTLY what Amanda said! I only wish I could say flip flops. I'm in them all summer anyway. :-P
    ideas by jivey
    Follow me on Facebook!

  11. I teach in flip flops! Your frames are super cute!

    I {Heart} Recess

  12. What a cute project! I rocked my KSU boots all but maybe 6 school days this year, haha. Gotta love the boot-scootin' boogie sign :)

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  13. wow, your Monday made Its are AWESOME!!!!

    Hodges Herald

  14. Love the post-it note holders! I may just have to do that for a first day of school gift for my daughter's teacher:) Pinned! I am totally a ballet flats girl on most days! I don't know how you do the high heels! ;)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  15. Your post it frames are adorable! I found your blog through Tara's Monday Made It linky party! I am your newest follower!

    Adventures in Room 204

  16. I can't believe I won (K-2) ! I am a new subscriber and just LOOVE your ideas and creativity, Joanne! And now I get to enjoy all my new goodies! Thanks so much to you, Joanne AND to all the wonderful teachers who contributed!!


  17. Wow I looovve the post it note holders! Yours turned out incredible. So stealing this idea.
    Rock Stars At Work

  18. So going to make the post it holder and the Flip Flop picture is perfect for me :-) Thank you for all your great ideas and projects!

  19. Just bought the stuff to make these at Dollar Tree! My husband is sooooo mad that I saw this post. It will be a fun project for me during the summer....I'll save them for back to school. I want a cute little poster/button too that says Inside Every Classroom is a teacher who wears MEPHISTOS (like Birkenstocks) Some of ole broads can't wear the cute stuff anymore:(

  20. Joanne, these are just great! I think you just gave me my idea for back to school gifts for my team because I am team leader:) Thank you for the inspiration! I hope mine turn out half as cute as yours....those are adorable:) Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  21. Joanne,

    I absolutely LOVE this!! I used it at the end of the year this year for my pod teachers. I am new to blogging since about a week ago ---so now I have a real chance to thank you!!! Mine were not as cute as yours obviously, but it was still well liked! thanks again :)


    Style Closet to Classroom

  22. So cute!! I have a dumb question--how did you make the tags for their names and what kind of ribbon did you use? I am soooo not crafty but I think I'm going to try these!!! Love them!

  23. So cute!! I have a dumb question--how did you make the tags for their names and what kind of ribbon did you use? I am soooo not crafty but I think I'm going to try these!!! Love them!

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