Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tried It Tuesday: WBT Scoreboard

Just a quick link up with my sweet friend Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for her Tried It Tuesday!
I was first introduced to this class management strategy a couple of weekends ago on my Spark Student Motivation Saturday linky party...two bloggers posted about it that day, so I thought it was definitely worth a try!
I like whole group, table group, and individual incentives, but the one I've been trying since last week is for whole group.
It's the Whole Brain Teaching Teacher vs. Student Scoreboard.
Every time my students are following procedures, prepared, listen the first time, or ahead of me and ready to go, they earn a point. If I have to remind them of the procedures or it takes longer than it should between transitions, talkative, etc., I get a point.  
Each morning we start with a clean slate.
 Today they were really on it! They smoked me! Now, normally you aren't supposed to have either side winning by more than 3 points, but today was exceptional. I haven't even decided what I'm going to do as a reward with these points yet-funny thing-they haven't asked! We've been doing this for about five days and I think I've won 3 days and they've won 2 days. I think I'll leave a little treat on their desk tomorrow since they had such a great day today!
  The best part...
Teaching With Style  has already made several scoreboards for you! Of course, as always with good manners, if you download, please leave her feedback.
Thanks Courtney from Polka Dot Lesson Plans  and Sarah from MissK inBK for sharing with me so I can share with YOU!


  1. I really like this idea! We do our class lap system and I feel like I could give some bonus laps if they do an exceptional job. I like the visual reminder and tally... I think it keeps things honest. Great job today for your class - woo hooo!

    My Shoe String Life
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  2. Thanks for sharing this idea and the link to the freebie. Your class had a great day. I guess it would keep me on my toes and organized too, I may be a tad competitive : )

  3. How did I miss this the first go around on the Saturday linky. I must have been out of town. Great idea! Don't you love when they forget about rewards? I haven't used tickets all year and they haven't asked about them. I've been quiet as a mouse about that. I actually haven't had to use my normal behavior system at all either. It's crazy...and why I still love looping!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. Joanne, I'm so glad you tried it and it's working out so well! My kiddos are still loving it after over 4 weeks! I'm all about an easy system that keeps the students interested and engaged! Thanks for the shout out!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  5. I saw this last week too and want to try it! I think it would give my three ELA blocks some healthy competition! :) My issue this year has been students following directions the first time they are given and not talking out or jumping the gun and asking questions before I can give directions. I call those questions, "Wait and see questions". I could easily keep tallies of how many of those there are per class and I bet there would be a reduction!
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  6. I really like that scoreboard idea! It's so colorful and fun too! Thanks for the heads up-went to TPT and downloaded it for myself. : )

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