Saturday, January 11, 2014

Day 10 Giveaway & Spark Student Motivation: Snowball Fight

Last day to win our favorite friends' products! And, it's another amazing day! Wait 'til you see what you can win!!!

Congratulations to Kelli O.!! 
She won yesterday's Rafflecopter of products!

Be sure to check out the following blogs to learn more about how they use these products in their classrooms!

Jivey from Ideas by Jivey is donating her Let It Snow! Math Activities for Upper Elementary Kids-super fun math games/activities-so perfect for the season!!

Amelia (the one who designed our amazing giveaway button) from Where the Wild Things Learn is donating her Jump Start January ELA Centers-wouldn't these be engaging at center time??!!

Mary from Fit to be Fourth is donating her Winter Word Work Resource-build your students' vocabulary with this adorable set!!

 Tara from 4th Grade Frolics is donating her Love Letter Math Centers your students will "LOVE" these activities!
AND, she's donating her Take a Ticket-You've Earned It-a motivational reward system for your kiddos!

Last day to enter for the $50 Amazon Gift Card and Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener is tomorrow! Good Luck!

Spark Student Motivation is back! I took a little break over the holidays-I hope you'll link up and share an idea, lesson, tip, trick, anything that gets your students motivated or excited!
It seemed like everyone got at least one snow day this week! Well, of course, we didn't get one in Florida, so I wanted to bring "snow" to my students!
I thought it would be a fun, quick way to review for vocabulary! (And, it was!) Each student wrote one of our vocabulary words with the synonym and antonym on a piece of white paper. (I didn't tell them what we were going to do with the paper-they just figured we were going to play some sort of review game). Then I had them crinkle it up and told them we were going to have a snowball fight...{insert lots of squeals of delight}.
 Okay, get ready...
I let them throw their snowballs for about a minute each time.
I let them throw them several times before I yelled, "FREEZE!"
Then my students had to open their "snowball" to review their vocabulary words.
We played a few rounds and they LOVED it and BEGGED to for more!
This could be used for any subject matter...a fun, easy, quick, seasonal way to motivate your students! :) 
Next week I think we'll build a snowman!

I hope you had a wonderful week! Please link up any lessons, ideas, tips, tricks, incentives, ANYTHING you do get your students motivated or excited!
Don't forget to grab my button and link back to this post!
Check out all the wonderful ideas from my friends who link up and don't forget to leave some love by commenting....we LOVE comments!


  1. I sort of have a New Years Resolution - I need to get more organized!!!

  2. I LOVE the pictures of your students in action!! So FUN! I felt bad for you not getting a snow day...for a second...until I remembered all the nice temperatures you have all year! Haha!! Actually, I think it would be too hot for me in the warmer months. Do you ever get "heat" days?
    Last day of our giveaway is tomorrow, BBB!! It's been a blast! XXOO
    Fourth Grade Flipper

  3. What a cute idea for rainy or snowy days! Recess with review! I will file that one away for future use:). Thanks!

  4. Love snowball fights. We have a couple of teachers that do them pretty regularly. they've also done some where kids create math problems (normally work problems) and they do the same thing. It takes a little longer, but it totally worth it.

    The photos are great. You can see which kids have been in real snowball fights! Also, great job with the givweaway(s). Excellent job!

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  5. I love this idea - I love it so much I may have posted about the same thing : )
    I love that your students are wearing shorts while having a snowball fight! You can tell they loved it though. Loving this linky - although I got in trouble yesterday when my students called me out because I forgot about Flashlight Friday - they watched as I wrote it in my plans for next Friday so we would not have that problem again!!

  6. 1) I want to do a snowball fight with my kids.
    2) I'm jealous you don't have uniforms.
    3) I wish that was a New Orleans Saints shirt on your sweet student instead of Atlanta Falcons.
    4) I love you!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  7. So much fun! I will be using this idea in the coming week... Thanks for sharing and the opportunity to link up!

    Sarah @ Hoots N' Hollers

  8. I wanted to take a minute and say thank you for this wonderful giveaway! I have found some great new (to me) bloggers and have picked up some great new products over the course of the giveaway. I love the ideas and the sharing!!! Thanks again!!!!

  9. I love doing snowball fights with my students. It's amazing how much they appreciate 60 seconds of chaos! :)

  10. I love this idea! While we have plenty of snow outside, students aren't allowed to throw it at recess but we could in the classroom haha. Thanks for sharing this idea!
    On the Trail of Learning

  11. Looks like they had a blast!
    I have a few resolutions but they are more like goals for the year. In general, just becoming a more organized adult now that I'm a college grad and getting into education
    Rooting for Third Grade

  12. Just had to say how much I loved the Snowball Fight idea! Definitely stealing that in the upcoming week!

    Sweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

  13. I love this idea! We have a social studies test this Friday. I think I will give it a try.
    Thank you!

    Fit to be Fourth

  14. It looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Snowball fights are always a big hit!! I can't believe it was so warm down there while we were so cold! Crazy!!

    I forgot to actually link up to you yesterday even though I posted that I was. Oy. Well, I'm linked up now! Have a great week sweet friend!
    Collaboration Cuties


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