Monday, January 20, 2014

My Day in High Heels!

YES, I wear high heels every day and YES, my feet sometimes hurt at the end of the day! :)
(Fashion hurts!)
"Meeting" teachers all over the world makes us all wonder what every teacher's schedule looks like, so my sweet BBB Amelia had a great idea to have a linky to share our daily schedules.
Check out all the schedules on A Day Our Way Linky!

**I did not include any transition or walking time in my schedule.
**Teacher's day-7:30-2:30.

7:50-8:00 Late bell rings at 7:55. Students turn in homework and start morning work (5 math problems) while I take attendance.
8:00-10:00 ELA Block-I've had many people comment on how large this block is, but I could honestly teach reading ALL day!!! I blink and it's over!
8:00-9:00 Whole group instruction: Reading focus skill, mini-lessons, read aloud, written response to reading, reading "projects", think alouds, mentor texts.
     **On Wednesday, our whole group instruction is dedicated to social studies-we use Social Studies Weekly and it's nice to have that solid block of time to really dig deep instead of rushing to squeeze in 15 minutes a day.
9:00-10:00 Small group instruction: Centers and reading groups. I also include science and social studies topics in my small group reading. I have an amazing ESE push-in teacher from 9:00-9:30 working with a small group.
Centers include: independent reading, Reader's Notebook, word work, computers, reading comprehension, and graphic organizers. My rotations are about 20 minutes.
10:00-10:54 Writing: Writing mini-lessons, modeled writing, figurative language, mentor sentences, grammar incorporated through the writing process. We have a large block designated just to writing for 4th grade because we have a big state demand writing test (narrative and expository writing-we don't know what style of writing they will get on their prompt...grrrr!)
10:54-11:24 Lunch
11:24-12:25 Math: Warm up game, multi-step word problems, instruction using gradual release model-big push in our county this year, dry erase boards/desks, quick check/formative, computer games if time allows.
12:25-1:05 Special Area
1:05-1:25 Math Acaletics: (math program used in grades 3-5-math is our school focus this year). We don't have a large intervention block like the rest of our school because of our writing block in 4th grade.
1:25-2:00 Science: We have 1-2 labs/experiments a week, reading informational text, interactive notebooks, video clips.

**Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day, so we get out at 1:05. Teachers have professional development once a month.

I hope that gives you an idea of my day! It goes by VERY quickly! This is a glimpse of our day, so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Have a super week!


  1. I know why you stress about fitting it all in without a day as long as mine, but I'm totally jealous of your early release Wednesdays! Wow! I need to come teach in FL.

  2. I wear flip flops every day because it makes my feet hurt just thinking about you wearing high heels every day. XO
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. I'm with Alison. Unless there's snow on the ground (okay... this is like half the year it seems), I'm in flip flops!

  3. Wow I would love to have two hours for reading and another hour for writing, that's awesome! And I'm super jealous, because our teacher day is 7:30-4:30. I've never worn high heels ever...we have one teacher who does and I always wonder how she does it.

    Literacy Spark

  4. I love my longer ELA block too! I try to pull in some of my social studies or science writing into my literacy block to make it all work. We have the early release time Wednesday's too only we do it every other Wednesday. Sometimes I like that others I really wish were just spent with the kids :)
    On the Trail of Learning

  5. First of all, bless you for wearing heels every day. I tried that for approximately one week and nearly died. I quickly gave up. Secondly, early release every Wednesday? Love. I thought we were lucky to have it once a month on the first Thursday of every month.. I think my heart would smile on Wednesdays for a reason other than the simple fact of being halfway done with the week. Lucky you--and good luck fitting everything in! :)

    The 4th Grade Journey

  6. Wow! Our school day is 30minutes longer for students and an hour longer for teachers. I can't imagine how you can fit it all in - and in heels no less! What do you do on the non-PD early release days? I'm curious!

    Suntans and Lesson Plans

  7. I love the idea for this linky - it's so fun to read about other teachers' schedules and how different they can be. I cannot get over the fact that you wear high heels everyday - your feet must be made of steel!

    Love to Learn

  8. I love how to put social studies into your ELA block. It makes so much sense! When I see schedules like this, it really makes me want to go back to being a self contained classroom!

    Keep Calm and Hoot On

  9. Wow! Your kiddos don't have a recess break. How do you keep them focused and on task? Quick you sell your science/social studies interactive notebooks? Would love to take a look at them!


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