Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Must Have Monday & Tried It Tuesday

 Linking up with both my girls Sabra & Holly tonight for both their linkies because it fits perfectly!After reading my buddy Jivey's post about partner picking cards, I knew I had to make my own set! I said, "I MUST HAVE some to match my classroom...and so I made them yesterday! Here they are:

Pretty stylish right? I'm pretty excited about them! I have students work in partners quite a bit in my classroom, but I usually have them use their clock partner, popsicle sticks, or just choose their own partners. Do you ever notice when students get to choose they always pick that same partner? These cards eliminate that problem! Pass cards out face down or have students pick from a hat. Then have students SILENTLY find their partner. We TRIED my new cards today for a review lesson and we loved them! The students found their partners in less than a minute and of course, I gave them extra credit for loving my heel designs! :O) Do you think your students will go "Head Over Heels" for these partner picking cards? You can have them as a FLASH FREEBIE at my TPT Store! If you download these cards, I'd appreciate feedback! :O)

Go check out Must Have Mondays with sweet Sabra and Tried It Tuesday with awesome Holly, both great bloggers with wonderful ideas to share!


  1. Looooove your cards! So glad you made them! :)
    ideas by jivey

    PS I think we just simultaneously posted. ;-)

  2. These are so cute! I just downloaded them. Such a fun way to "switch" things up.

    Hunter's Tales from Teaching

  3. I use clock buddies and always run into "but my partner isn't here" or despite our best efforts "we both have so-so at 11 o'clock". This system will eliminate both these problems - thanks so much for posting this flash freebie.

  4. These are so cute!
    Awesome job!

    Hodges Herald

  5. I need to link up for Must have Mondays... I keep forgetting. :o/
    Cute stuff!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  6. SO FUN!!! I love the heels :o) Thanks for the freebie and linking up!

    Teaching with a Touch of Twang

  7. Love the idea!!! I will have to try that in my classroom :)

    Mind Sparks

  8. These are SO adorable!! I am giggling just thinking of my "jocks" getting paired up with these. I have quite a few of those boys this year. hehe!!
    Fourth Grade Flipper


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